USA Today Best of 2012

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ready... Set...

One day to my big day, the booksigning at Borders.

I'm ready. Mostly. Panicked and decided to print a few more bookmarks, so today I'll need to cut them apart, laminate, and then trim. Finished the last 20 sunglass sacks yesterday. Going to print a few more little slips to hand out, with Cool Sites to Visit. And I'll print just a few more of my entry forms - they're simple, but hopefully a good way for me to get names and email addresses of lots of romance readers, and they'll be up for a chance to win a free copy of Fallen Star Trouble.

Got my outfit all picked out, and I'm thinking I might do the unthinkable and polish my nails tonight. Maybe...

In the meantime, it's off to play in the dirt, aka roto-till the garden space with my Ma.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Autumn Piper

Got romance?

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