USA Today Best of 2012

Monday, November 8, 2010

Up for favorite review book

Trouble Under Venus is up for Favorite Review Book for the month of August at Dark Diva Reviews.

I received notice last night, along with this link:

Now, I'm well aware this is a popularity contest, and the person who "wins" is whoever can yell loudest down the wires of the world wide web to get everyone voting. I'm also up against some stiff competition in that category. Still... I've never won a popularity contest. :) So please, if you get a chance, click the link and scroll down to click my bubble--the August contest is below the July contest, and Trouble Under Venus is about 20 covers down. No registering necessary, not even so much as an email addy.


Autumn Piper
Got romance?

1 comment:

Sutton Fox said...

Voted! Good luck. This title is awesome, a great read.