USA Today Best of 2012

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Watcha Readin' Wednesday

I've found another Keeper. It's Lisa Kleypas' Smooth Talking Stranger.

This is part of Kleypas' series about the wealthy and fabulous Travis family of Houston. (think hot, sexy, filthy rich alpha heroes...), including Sugar Daddy and Blue Eyed Devil.

Ella has a real disaster of a family, yet no matter how awful the flashbacks, it's still believably bad, not overdone. She's smart and very aware of how her defective childhood has damaged her. Jack is smooth, sexy, and droolworthy strong, which we as readers can see is just what Ella needs. Throw her abandoned infant nephew into the mix for a heapin' helpin' of cute-n-vulnerable, and this is a book I couldn't put down until I'd finished.

Smooth Talking Stranger is a must-read in contemporary romance (and no, you don't need to read the related books in the series to "get" this one). Borrow it, buy it, get it any way you can. You won't regret it.

Autumn Piper
Got romance?

On the reader: Kathleen Woodiwiss's Forever in Your Embrace
On the nightstand: Lori Foster's Caught!

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