USA Today Best of 2012

Monday, December 6, 2010

Of boogersuckers, bloodsugar, and sleeping like a baby

My new niece arrived yesterday afternoon, and even though I had a bajillion things to do around here, my daughter and I took the hour-long drive to go meet her (it was my daughter's birthday and she begged, which was a good excuse).

And, wow. What a little cutie! Holding a newborn is such a special experience, and this little girl is a real sleeper. Through all the jostling and switching arms of those holding her, through having her nose cleared with the big bluegreen bulb (meconium), and even through a blood test via a prick on her heel(because she wouldn't wake to eat), she slept. And slept.

I'm pretty sure even if I was comatose I couldn't rest like that.

It was definitely worth the trip. My daughter is still excited to have gotten such a gift for her birthday, and I'm sure my sis-in-law is happy she was able to deliver without complications (she was 5 days late, just like my kiddo, who also had the same November 30 due date...weird, huh?). Mommy was exhausted, glad it's over, and quite adamant about how much labor hurt. I'm thinking in a week's time she'll forget most of that hurt. But she'll probably be in that newborn haze of love and sleep deprivation, because that little sweetie probably won't be sleeping quite as well by then!

Happy Monday.

Autumn Piper
Got romance?

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