USA Today Best of 2012

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tube Tuesday

In honor of Read an Ebook Week, I found a couple of youtube videos about ebooks and what they are.

The first just cracked me up. In part because it was made before Kindle released, but also because of the notes viewers were posting a la CNN. Very funny. He did his best to explain the pros but obviously did not have his finger on the pulse of the bookbuying market.

This is a CNET overview of the Sony Reader. A bit more of an advertisement than a 3rd party explanation, but it does a fantastic job of showing the "pros" of ebooks.

This shows how cool reading ebooks is on the iPhone and iTouch (I totally dig how you actually turn pages and you get a visual bookmark!):

This one reallly excited Cornfuscius. In fact, he downloaded it already. It's a FREE Kindle app for the iTouch and iPhone. So now Kindle formatted book are readable on the iTouch. They download directly to the device via 3G internet. Bitchin with a capital B.

So. Tuesday's reason for reading an ebook? It's way cool.

Got romance?

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