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Friday, October 29, 2010

Borders rules; B&N drools

I've been posting special deals on ebooks on my Facebook page when I find them. Love sharing a good deal, and love scoring one even more. So last week when I spotted an awesome buy at B&N on an ebook, I snapped it up.

Unfortunately, impulse purchasing an ebook from a place you haven't used before doesn't always pay off. It's a good book--I'm pretty sure. However, B&N won't allow me to save my purchase in EPUB format and load it onto my Sony Reader. Apparently they still think Proprietary Is Best, so you can read their ebooks on Nook, Apple products, and Blackberry. Not on any other reading device besides your computer.

Lame. Makes me glad I only spent $3 on the book. On the other hand, I'm kinda ticked I spent $3 on a book I can only read on my dang laptop. I mean... trust me, I sit in front of this thing reading enough while editing and (attempting) writing.

On a positive note, Borders has awesome deals every week and I have no trouble downloading or saving their books. If you're not already subscribed to their newsletter, you should be...if you like ebooks, that is. If you don't like ebooks... what's wrong with you? :)

Have a great weekend.

Piper Denna
Romance is sexy


Sutton Fox said...

Thanks for the tip. More newsletters I need to read. lol.

I have a BlackBerry, but darned if I want to read a book on it! That's what my Sony's for. Uh, larger font and all...

Piper Denna said...

Meh... I bought a couple titles for my iPhone too (via the Kindle app). They're kinda nice to have around I guess, but I hate reading on it because by the time I get the font big enough, I have to turn the pages every 20 seconds.

My Reader on the other hand... love it. It's all loaded up with some great books, including one for Book Club. Of course, that means I'm too damn busy to read right now!

My guess is B&N will eventually cave and sell downloadable EPUBS, just as they caved and started carrying them, and selling Nook in other places. I'll still be irritated with them though, and will probably give the thumb-to-the-nose at their ebook store. Just on principle.