USA Today Best of 2012

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things That Work

If you're going to walk or run for fitness, shoes aren't just important--they are Priority One. The wrong shoes can cause pain and seriously dampen motivation.

Now, the right shoes on the other hand... Well, let's just say the ones I got last weekend make me feel like flying around the neighborhood, and when I get home, nothing feels worn out or sore. I didn't see this commercial until I went looking for blog info, but it's pretty cute:

I'll probably think about those lil "buddies" every time I wear them out now. LOL

My son did have a pair, and so does my hubby. Hubby raved every night during our walk. So here's an image, and a direct link to the Reebok product info:

These shoes really are "like wow". Or, in the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Freaking awesome! Gosh." Lightweight, comfy, and no shin splint pain! (and yes, I'm usually one of those perpetually injured, whiny speedwalkers) My last pair of shoes were a budget buy, and I'll honestly NEVER do that again.

Hubby wants to stock up and buy several pairs... I'm thinking he may be onto something.

Happy feet to ya!

Autumn Piper
Got romance?

1 comment:

Sutton Fox said...

Crap. Just bought walking shoes. Wish I would have seen this first. Very interesting looking sole. Will keep them in mind for next time though. Thanks!!