USA Today Best of 2012

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The New Efficient - a Too Done List

I'm taking a radical new approach to "getting things done".

Instead of just making a to-do list with different priority levels (or time frames, or likelihood of gettting finished...) I will sketch out a to-do list in the morning, but thennnnnnn:

All those silly things we do throughout the course of the day, the tiny errands, the appointment making, the bringing in meat from the freezer to thaw, I'm going to add those under my list and CROSS THEM OFF as I do them. ha. So at the end of the day I've got this massive list off crossed-off items and only a few pristine undone ones. My To Do list has transformed to a Too Done list!

For example, today I started out with a list of editor-tasks to accomplish. But. I also got to write and mark off:

Washing the pots and pans (even those hiding in the oven)
a load of laundry
paying the cell bill
figuring out how to pay Cornfuscius' business liability insurance online (this was toughie - had to go to the website on the bill, register... everything. whew! But much more convenient for me, a pay-in-the-11th-hour kind of customer)

Course, I run into certain detours. For instance, while signing in my google ID so I could look up the scheduled release date for a new author I'm introducing myself to, I got stuck on my Blogger dashboard reading all the current (and old) Meg Cabot blog entries, which included watching highlights from and entire SNL episode, texting my friend about the blog entries... and now that editor task still glares at me from The List - unscribbled-off...

Which reminds me, I've got a meeting tonight and a scheduled chat and dinner to make... need to add those to The List also.

Now I'm stumped, though. Should I count making my own lunch as a job (well) done? And my nap? :)

Happy Thursday

Piper Denna
Romance is sexy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL You sound like me! I gave up on lists a long time ago. I have a dry erase board with all my editor stuff and I change it daily as I go. Then i have my Sunfire calender (the google calendar) which I love...that goes for important dates bill pay, appts etc. Everything else just happens as it does. I can't list everything or I waste all my time making lists lol. But I am loving the too done list! hehe :)