USA Today Best of 2012

Monday, November 23, 2009

Good Things

Before I get all caught up in this week's holiday riff-raff, thought I'd take a few minutes to think about what I'm thankful for. So here they are, some silly, some... not:

  • First, a biggie -- I'm thankful my husband and I both still have jobs.
  • I'm thankful for a woodburning stove and the big pile of firewood we gathered this year.
  • I'm thankful for over-the-counter hair color.
  • Almost daily, I'm thankful I have two healthy, well-behaved kids. (will have to tell them later)
  • SO thankful women's eyebrows don't become what mens' do when we age. :)
  • Superduper thankful today, because my pal just alerted me that Garfield County Library NOW HAS EBOOKS!!!!
  • I'm thankful for marvelous book covers from my publisher and cover artist extraordinaire, Renee Rocco.
  • Most days I'm pretty thankful for our DVR. I do still roll my eyes a bit when I see 75 episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place or Zach & Cody, or the ongoing hundreds of episodes of Modern Marvels and This Old House saved there, but hey: I'm totally OK with my son saving 25 Jay Leno Shows... perspective is important here.
  • I'm thankful for every new episode of Bones, House, and Glee.
  • I'm extra thankful nobody in my family has food allergies.
  • Today I'm thankful the RE-2 School District decided to take a full week off for Thanksgiving this year.

That's enough for now. We'll take a short YouTube break tomorrow, and maybe I'll have some more for Wednesday. Hopefully by then I'll be thankful for all the stuff I've crossed off my Too Done list, and still think my kids are well behaved...

Autumn Piper

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