USA Today Best of 2012

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Special thanks

Probably not exactly an "original" notion, but time out today to be thankful...

  • For preteens with a sense of humor, bosses with a sense of justice, and husbands with a sense of direction
  • To Lyrical Press, who provides awesome opportunities for writers and editors
  • For job security in times of uncertainty
  • For a cozy fire on cold winter nights
  • For internet access
  • For lower gas prices
  • For Jack Johnson's music
  • For a paid-off truck that actually still runs
  • For iPods, laptops, and ebooks
  • For daughters who think Mom can "unstain" any garment, and sons who think Mom is pretty and NOT fat
  • For contact lenses, alpha-hydroxy, and Miracle Bras
  • For microsuede, fleece, and stretchy denim
  • For Enrique Iglesias, Orlando Bloom, and Hugh Laurie
  • To wonderful critique pals: Maya, you always make time to help out whenever asked. Jasmine, you have a knack for seeing what the rest of us miss. Sutton, so happy to have you as a "star" partner in crime - thanks for always being there! Kim, all bow to you as Trivia Queen Extraordinaire. Mary, when it comes to deep critiques, nobody does it better. And dear Felicity, kind friend, understanding and able to see the big picture. You certainly aren't afraid to roll up your sleeves and work hard on your writing, or anybody else's. We all appreciate you, very much.
  • To feline friends, who give us a reality check whenever we start thinking humans are the top of the food chain.
  • For girlfriends - in no particular order and by no means a complete list: Amanda, Doreen, Vanessa, and Lisa brighten the "real" world. Daily doses of Kate, Mary, and Twyla via the net make life livable.

Now, a quick laugh, courtesy of MadTV:

Happy Turkey day to all in the U.S.

Kate and Rose - have a magnificent Thursday!

Autumn and Piper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww. Well, I am very thankful to have you as a friend and feel privledged to get to read your great books!Hope you had a great Thaksgiving Piper!