USA Today Best of 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Why Nora is The Bomb

I read a book I chose this week--for the first time since last January: Nora Roberts' The Next Always. With my eye problem, my normal workload got quite backlogged and reading for fun just hasn't been an option. But now I'm mostly caught up, so when I took my daughter to the library and saw Nora on the "New" rack, I grabbed the book without even reading the jacket copy.

And I'm so glad I did it.

No matter the naysayers' spew, I can always count on Nora to deliver just what I want from a romance. This one roped me in from the beginning, with characters who have a dog named Dumbass (and yes, upon getting to know the dog better, I had to agree his name fits, LOL). I know it's a trilogy and by about 50 pages in I could tell you what couples the other 2 books will be about, and...I'm so ready to read them too.

Here's a couple lines from the book, the place where I had my "awwww moment".

"Maybe she'd been sliding, she realized, inching her way along.  But this was the finish line, the moment she knew--no doubts--she loved. The moment she could see herself with him next month, next year, next always."

See? Is there anything un-bombish about those wonderful lines? Anything at all?

I give this book an unquestionable 5 stars. It was such a nice, nice break from reading submissions (some of which have been good, don't get me wrong!). I could relax and depend on that happy ending, that moment of awwww.... Yeah. That's what reading for pleasure is all about.

And now I'm off to the library, hoping the next in the series is available. Wish me luck!

Piper Denna
Romance is sexy!


Amanda said...

Wait, hold the presses!! YOU read the FIRST book of a trilogy FIRST?! YAYYYYYYY! I knew there was hope for you yet.

Piper Denna said...

Yeah, I know. Completely out of character. LOL. Now I go to the library to get the remaining 2 books and looks like the last one isn't even out yet. Now see... If I'd wait until the last book is out, I wouldn't be stuck waiting to complete the series!